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Planning Board Minutes-March 16, 2005
Minutes of the Meeting of
March 16, 2005


        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Gerard LeBlanc, Vice Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk (arrived late)
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’ Toole                                                            Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson


        Acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting of February 16, 2005

        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of February 16, 2005: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 4-0


        Liberty Street

        The Board met informally with William Renny of 71 Liberty Street and Douglas Heald of Merrill Associates of Hanover to discuss a proposed subdivision of land owned by Mr. Renny.  The Board was told that he would like to create two or three residential lots and one business lot from the parcels in question.  The property is zoned Business on the street and Residence A to the rear.  One of the residential lots would be contingent upon the acquisition of a portion of  abutting parcels, Mr. Renny said.  The Board was presented exhibits depicting three different entrance radius curves for the proposed 368 foot roadway and indicated a preference for Exhibit A. Mr. Heald said that a minor road would be proposed but Board members said that all subdivision roads approved to date have been major roads.  Member Joan DiLillo stated a preference for a major road because the new roadway will be off of a major route   Mr. Renny was told that utilities must be underground, a sidewalk is required on one side, lighting would be needed at the entrance and at the cul-de-sac, and the location of hydrants is determined by the Fire Chief.  Member Gerard LeBlanc said that the entrance and catch basins will need vertical granite curbing.  Member David Nagle stated a preference for a landscaped island at the cul-de-sac with sloping granite. Stormwater management would be reviewed by the Board’s engineer Mr. Heald was told.  It was suggested that he talk to the Highway Department about the potential for positive drainage.

        Form A/ANR
        East Washington & King Streets

        The Board met with Wayne Webb to discuss a Plan of Land, dated March 11, 2005, prepared by Robert C. Bailey Co., of Pembroke for Walter, Carrie, and Wayne Webb, for property located on East Washington and King Streets.  The plan creates a new 31,802 square foot lot with 155.50 feet of frontage on East Washington Street and a new 31,339 square foot lot with 150 feet of frontage on King Street.

        Motion to Approve the Plan of Land for East Washington and King Streets as      presented: Gordon Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 5-0
        Public Hearing
        Hemlock Hills - Phase 2
        (See Separate Minutes)


        New Plans for Hanson Pines

        David Nagle, who represents the Planning Board on the Negotiating Team for Hanson Pines, said that the Appeals Board was concerned about the density of the proposed development and the applicant is concerning altering the plan from 20 apartments to 12 to 16 condominiums.  He said that apartments in that neighborhood could pose a problem for tenants as a car would be required because nothing is within walking distance and there is no public transportation. The issue will next be discussed, he said, on March 24.

        Budget Meeting with Finance Committee

        Chairman Philip Lindquist told the Board that he, Town Planner Noreen O’Toole, and Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson met with the Finance Committee on March 15, 2005 to discuss the department’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2006 with no decision rendered to date by the Finance Committee on the $275 increase requested in expenses or the 3 percent salary increase requested for Board members and for the Town Planner.
        New Proposal for Revision of Rules and Regulations
        Board members took home for review a proposal from an engineering firm for the revision of the Planning Board Rules and Regulations.  The firm is on the agenda for the April 6, 2005 Planning Board meeting.


        Application of Robert Bergeron for site plan approval to allow for a motorcycle repair shop at 1127 Main Street, Unit B, Map 43, Lot 34, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENTS: The applicant should provide engineered plans that show the placement of pavement and the impacts to this site and abutting areas concerning impervious surfaces. The engineered plans should specifically delineate the drainage patterns of this site in regards to the slope of the site.  Hooded catch basins should be required to handle the proposed usage of this site. Curb cuts should be required for safety purposes especially on Route 27. A Conservation Commission review may be required concerning the protection of the wetlands.

        Application of Jason Cook for site plan approval to allow the storage and operation of A-Bee Tent Rentals at 1127 Main Street, Unit A, Map 43, Lot 34, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENTS: The applicant should provide engineered plans that show the placement of pavement and the impacts to this site and abutting areas concerning impervious surfaces. The engineered plans should specifically delineate the drainage patterns of this site in regards to the slope of the site.  Hooded catch basins should be required to handle the proposed usage of this site. Curb cuts should be required for safety purposes especially on Route 27. The proposed parking numbers are ambiguous; the provisions for parking spaces need to be clarified to the Board of Appeals. A Conservation Commission review may be required concerning the protection of the wetlands.

        Application of Shayne McGlone for a special permit/variance to allow for the construction of a house on a pre-existing, non-conforming lot and table of dimensional requirements to reduce the front setback from 50 feet to 10 feet and rear setback from 40 feet to 25 feet at 206 Waltham Street, Map 2, Lot 126, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENT:  Board refers to Board of Appeals for decision.

        Application of Linda Ford for site plan approval and a special permit to allow the operation of a travel agency at 391 Liberty Street, Map 82, Lot 1, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENT:  Board refers to Board of Appeals for decision

        Application of Jeff Ibbitson for a special permit to allow for an extension of rear room to lie within the footprint of existing main house and to connect to the corner of the existing room’s back wall at 147 Waltham Street, Map 2, Lot 249, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENT:  Board refers to Board of Appeals for decision


        Motion to adjourn: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 5-0